Monday 16 May 2016

Hayley And Viking
It was a casual day down at the ranch, Kayla was mucking out, Tom was sweeping and Hayley was getting the horses tacked up and all ready to ride. Kayla rushed to Rocko As Rocko was Hayley’s favourite Horse, Tom raced to his horse Ono and they left Viking for Haley. They mounted the horses and went up a rocky trail. When they got to the top they went for a Gallop Kayla had trouble getting Rocko to stop , Rocko is an Ex racehorse. Kayla lost control of Rocko and went flying off. Hayley and Tom raced to her and Rocko raced to the gate.

Kayla was unconscious and wouldn’t move. Tom called the hospital for help, Hayley mounted Viking to show the ambulance where Kayla was while Tom was keeping her company. Hayley’s Mum , Mary, heard about the accident and raced onto her horse and cantered to Kayla.

1 month later Tom was coming back from Europe, Kayla was out of hospital and it was Hayley’s birthday. Mary was making a special breakfast while Hayley was in bed, she woke up , put on her dressing gown and yawned as she was walking to the kitchen.

As soon as she caught a glimpse of Tom and Kayla at the dining room table she raced to them and gave them a tight hug, She was so happy that her friends were back. Mary , Kayla and Tom pulled Hayley into the barn for a surprise present, Hayley closed her eyes and Mary pointed her towards a stall and a sign said ‘’ This is your new pony, Charlie! ‘’. Hayley had tears of joy pouring down her cheeks.

Mary already had Charlie tacked up and ready for Hayley to ride. Hayley got on her Jogphrs and Polo shirt and mounted Charlie excitedly. Charlie was really forward for Hayley unlike Viking. 1 hour later Tom , Kayla and Hayley went out to town and saw a horseback competition poster about entering an competition at Graymade Stables. They all went back to the ranch and called up Graymade reception and they said that Viking is in because Rocko can’t lift his feet up and Ono refuses to jump.

Tomorrow is the competition. Hayley and Viking are going for 1 metre 20, Hayley and Viking started practicing over and over again , They both got exhausted , his hooves were thumping on the ground when he landed a jump. Charlie heard the thumping and whinnied loudly, Mary sternly walked up to Charlie’s stall and placed hay in his feed bucket.

The day came, they loaded Viking onto the float. He was thumping his hooves like he was mad. When they got there they unloaded Viking out of the float, he pearched his his head up towards the clouds and scraped his hoof on the fresh green grass.

Hayley got Viking’s gear polished and tacked him up so he’s ready to go. At the show there was Dressage, Trick Riding and Show jumping, Hayley and Viking are doing show jumping up to 6 feet. Mary, Kayla and Tom were sitting in the crowd while Hayley and Viking were lining up and getting prepared to go. Their name came out clear of the mic, and off they went. Viking loved jumping, he didn’t miss a single pole, they led in the top 3.
When all the riders had finished they announced the winners..
3rd place.. Ashley Parker, 2nd place.. Amy Flemming and 1st place is….. Hayley Rose! The crowd went wild, Mary was super proud and Kayla, but sadly Tom had to leave.

The next morning at 6:50 am, Hayley got up, got dressed and went to the barn to check on the horses, Charlie was standing up munching on his hay.. But when Hayley peaked over Viking’s stall gate he was lying on the ground, he wasn’t breathing, Hayley called the vet, she was petrified. The vet arrived at the ranch, Mary woke up and hugged Hayley, Viking got many injections but he couldn’t stand up.. Hayley had to make a decision to make Viking go to slaughter. Hayley cried and hugged Viking so hard as Tom and Kayla walked in, they all sat next to Viking as they put him on the stretcher.

Viking had left to slaughter, Hayley thought of him everyday. Hayley trained Charlie for many months.  

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