Sunday, 25 October 2015

Matthew does it again!

June 6th 1944 At 10:30 am we rushed out of the dugouts and charged to the german post. “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!” We screamed as we ran closer to the post. “Still no gun fire?” Colonel Gian said in suspicion. When we were about 300 meters of the way german machine guns lit up. “Get into cover!” Colonel Gian yelled. I dashed for cover as Kareem scrambled behind me. Bullets rained everywhere, I saw men fall everywhere. “Fall back !-” boomed Colonel Gian over the gunfire, then he added “If you want to.” Everyone falled back, everyone but Kareem, Dane and I. I was wondering should we fall back, should we retreat. Suddenly I heard a voice say “Don’t retreat, don’t fall back.” in sounded like sgt Kynes voice. I suddenly realised something. “Dane give me your sniper.” I say, Dane gives me his sniper. I look through the scope, I see the MG42st manning the MG42, I fire, Bang!, the machine gun fire stops. “Can I have my sniper back?” asked Dane. I hand Dane his sniper. “Who’s with me.” I said, “For what?” asked Kareem. “For charging head first into enemy lines.” I replied, Kareem raised his hand but Dane didn’t. Me and Kareem charged into the enemy lines, bullets flung everywhere, I pulled out my Bren, I pulled the trigger, no amo, I pulled out my T16 pistol, no amo, I pulled out my assault rifle, I checked the amo , dangerously low, every shot will have to count. I aim, I fire 1 german down three to go, I see Kareem is behind me already blasting at the Huns, I check my amo, 14 shots to go. Suddenly shots behind took out all the fritz, I look behind me, it’s Dane, I signal him to tell Colonel Gian and the squadron we can advance, he signaled Colonel Gian and soon the squadron advanced. Ten weeks later me, Kareem and Dane were on a boat to America. when we arrived we were sent straight to the White House and awarded victoria crosses!